Matchplay Asymmetrical Nightdress Ivory - Reviews

Matchplay Asymmetrical Nightdress Ivory

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39J025BC-ivo-nightgown-matchplay-flat-web.jpg Matchplay Asymmetrical Nightdress Ivory Price: $80.00

Weekend date, cozy evening in, or quick jaunt about town - meet your go-to for effortless casual dressing, Matchplay. In the softest jersey knit this will be the little black, navy, grey dress you'll turn to on the days when you want to hide your cell phone and hit snooze. Fall in love with little details like asymetrical side draping that wraps around your frame, to a full cowl that falls just right and flatter your decolletage. It could be love, or just a match made in lounge heaven.

Made in the USA

Between the Sheets Collection