Funny how the new things are the old things.
Rudyard Kipling
Teak Table & Chairs
This story starts the way it always starts – a marketplace find. I first found the chairs and then the teak dining table a week or two after. The chairs were well cared for but the table needed to be refinished and repaired, showing signs of wood rot, insect damage, and decay. Because teak that has not been well cared for can be attacked by pests that burrow into the wood, I started by spraying an insecticide foam into the holes and tracks in the wood that showed potential pest damage.

Before & After
To repair the table I sanded top-to-bottom to remove discolored, rough, or damaged wood and patched damaged areas with wood filler. I also used glue mixed with some of the wood dust from sanding it, to work into damaged areas where needed. After all the wood filler and glue was dry and sanded smooth, I treated the whole set with some teak oil. And here is the final result showing before and after.

A gathering place
We have setup the refurbished table and chairs on our back porch creating a well love space that we use in many ways. In the early spring and fall this spot sitting in the sun is so pleasant, and the perfect place to sit for a coffee or meal. Harvests gathered, flower arranging, and meals shared with friends under the stars mean we have made more memories on these old table and chairs to add to their history. I am also of the belief that we make space for what we want more of in our lives, and here we’re making space for more meals under the stars and good company. Many times a deer or bird has visited nearby while we enjoy a quiet meal, and this lets us appreciate the magic of this place even more intimately.

Want to see more ideas for home decorating with thrifted or vintage pieces? Find designer Layla’s series Decorating with Vintage
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