It took a long time to find a spot for hanging baskets somewhere in the garden and the new patio area felt like the perfect spot. I debated adding them to the shed but wanted something bigger and felt they would dwarf a smaller structure. In general I’m not a big annual flower person beyond the cutting garden, they are too high maintenance and we have a lot of projects and work so I prefer perennials. I’ve even been looking for the perfect perennials that do well in containers to reduce the amount of work in those, so these supertunia and superbell hanging baskets are the exception.
Cast iron hooks
We’ve got a few repeated themes throughout the house and gardens both to keep things consistent but also to keep the space cohesive. Here I found 12” cast iron hooks that would extend far enough out to accommodate the basket size we were looking for. I marked the hole placement and Josh followed and installed them. Notice the mess of maple seeds in our gutters, that’s only one spring of seed drop! We cleaned it as part of this project.

Hanging Baskets
Keeping them watered and fertilized ensured continuous blooms. They are still blooming as we go into fall and hummingbirds are visiting daily!

Beauty surrounds us, but usually we need to be walking in a garden to know it.
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