For coffee lovers summer time forces you to make that decision of hot or cold- and so many times even the best coffee houses don’t do a great job of icing down their brews. If you’re frustrated by the unmelted sugar that makes those last couple of sips way too sweet and leaves the rest of the glass unsweetened, or if you’re a slow sipper and hate how watered down your drink tastes after only half an hour in the summer meltdown, try some of these tips and we promise you’ll get the most amazing cup of iced coffee perfection you’ve ever had!
Trick #1 liquid sugar
It sounds complicated, but it’s as easy as boiling water!
Add sugar to a heat safe vessel (we photographer sugar in this container, but if you put boiling hot water into a glass like this sometimes it will cause cracks – we learned from personal experience!) So add 1 cup sugar to equal parts boiling water in a separate bowl. Let it cool to room temp and transfer it to a gravy or syrup server you have lying around.
Have your favorite coffee brewed in advance and chilled in the fridge.
Tip #2 Coffee Ice Cubes
It’s seems like a duh moment when you think about this, but it just takes a little extra planning. When you are brewing the coffee and setting it aside to chill that’s when this should happen. If you have a couple of ice cube trays you can fill them all up, and “harvest” your coffee cubes later so they don’t hold your ice cube tray hostage for a month! We make a large ziplock bag full and leave that in the freezer.
Fill a glass with your coffee ice cubes, pour over your chilled coffee, and then pour in your sugar syrup to taste.
If you like milk, top it off with your choice and VOILA!
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