So now I had one fabric – which will equal one new group… which needed a name. For those of you who are loyal fans you know that all of our collections have the word “PLAY” in them. It was an intellectual challenge I chose to set for myself and inevitably each season coming up with a new range of names with play in them is a word game I relish. First two things that popped into my mind were “Birds of a feather” and quickly following that “Birds of Prey”… now this was a stroke of luck and coincidence, prey sounded so similar to play that it just jumped out. The next step is my focus group – family, friends, bloggers, other designer friends and everyone who heard it smiled or laughed – the desired reaction!
So now the challenge was what comes first, the chicken or the egg… the fabric or the collection. I knew I wanted to design two new groups – but now the other had to sit next to and harmonize with Birds of Play. I went through my fabric library and nothing called out to me until I came across a mesh sample I had pulled a while before. I had introduced mesh last fall and it didn’t sell, we dropped the styles before they were produced. I wasn’t sure what exactly it was that kept me from truly loving that previous group… but I decided to take another stab at it. This time I would focus on flirtier sexier styles… and I think that was the key.

Wait… we’re still not done. I needed a name! The previous mesh group was “open to play” so that was retired. I won’t list the thesaurus list of words I went through and or the other options I didn’t choose because I’m holding them in my back pocket for some future groups, but suffice it to say that the words bird and air and flight were batted around, before we settled on “Airplay” It just seemed to fall into place with Phoenix and Birds of Play… and so our fall collection was born from the ashes of all the failed attempts at mesh, from all the not quite right play names, and from the many not quite right fabrics. I think what we have is a complement to the rich and luxurious loungewear styles that we already make, and the result is a merging of the sexy everyday underlayers with the soft and inviting sleep and lounge we are known for.
Stay tuned for some behind the scenes from our photoshoot, and also for the full lookbook coming up!